How to Build a Successful Client Onboarding Process

How to Build a Successful Client Onboarding Process

August 21, 2024

You know what they say about first impressions. In that spirit, a great client onboarding process is a key starting point for building long-lasting relationships with your clients – and can increase retention and loyalty in the long run.

If you want to learn how to create an effective onboarding process and how to onboard a new client, you’ve come to the right place. You’re about to learn why it’s so important and how to establish clear expectations. You’ll also know how to personalize your approach to meet specific needs from the client, and other crucial steps to ensure a flawless first impression.

What is the client onboarding process?

It refers to a set of structured steps and interactions designed to seamlessly integrate a new client into your business.

Think of it as a familiarization with you and your brand. You’re working with them through a guided journey from the point of signing the contract to becoming a super user of your product, realizing its full potential.

Why is the client onboarding process important?

But why is it so vital? Onboarding is more than just the initial handoff – it shapes the long-term success of your customer relationship.

Imagine a bad or nonexistent onboarding. This confuses and frustrates the client. Their trust in your business is eroded. They've lost interest before their journey as a customer even begins.

On the flip side, a well-executed client onboarding workflow leads to the following benefits for your business:

Increased customer satisfaction: When customers are guided, learn the basics, and start using the services effortlessly, it sets the foundation for greater customer satisfaction.

Greater retention rates: Clients are much more likely to stick around if they had a positive onboarding experience! This means reduced customer churn rates.

Stronger customer advocates: Clients who feel well-supported and experience an easy transition are more likely to become loyal brand ambassadors – and these happy customers drive future growth for your business!

Boosting revenue and loyalty: By exceeding expectations from the get-go, you increase customer retention and drive a faster time-to-value for the client. This fosters long-term partnerships that continue to generate revenue for your brand and creates a loyal, predictable customer base.

How to build a successful client onboarding process

Ready to build a world-class client onboarding process that leaves customers thrilled and raving about your business? Here's a roadmap of 7 client onboarding best practices to elevate the experience from good to amazing:

1. Align expectations from the start

The best onboarding processes set realistic expectations right from the start. This is often referred to as the "setting the stage" – and it is vital. Be honest and upfront.

Establish clear goals and outcomes: Define specific objectives and ensure both parties understand what they are trying to achieve with your service or solution. A well-defined goal provides a baseline and creates clarity, ensuring a focused and aligned direction.

For example, statements like "Our goal is to help you boost your lead generation by 25% within three months" or "We'll guide you through developing a marketing strategy tailored to your brand within the first month of service” are powerful. Remember to adhere to the SMART goal structure.

Identify key stakeholders: Make sure that all parties, whether those on the sales, onboarding, or account management teams, are on the same page from the outset.

2. Understand your client's needs

Every client is unique. Remember, this is all about customization and connection.

Building a solid handoff process: Your sales and customer success (CS) teams should be unified here – and that involves effective communication. The sales team will often gather valuable insights, key needs, and any critical expectations the client shared, allowing the CS team to step in and seamlessly connect with the client in a personalized and responsive way.

Listen, analyze, and respond: Every interaction is an opportunity for learning. Actively listen and collect vital information about a new customer’s specific requirements, concerns, and preferences.

Think about those important questions: "What are your main challenges? What are your biggest goals? How can we help make your experience truly amazing?"

3. Adapt onboarding plans to customer needs

Let’s move from “general onboarding” to truly customized plans. Every client is unique – tailor your client onboarding checklists to their requirements. This approach emphasizes personalized support and demonstrates that you truly understand their individual circumstances.

Consider your customer's needs: Create structured plans that cater to specific preferences. Talk with them and understand why they came to you in the first place, what their expectations of you are, and what unique concerns and pain points they’re hoping to solve with you.

Timely assistance: Think about the customer’s workload – provide a well-structured approach to the timeline. It's one thing to have an excellent onboarding program but make sure the timeline and the pace fit into the customer team’s busy work schedules.

4. Implement feedback and review system for continuous improvement

Onboarding isn’t a one-time task – it’s an area that should be seen as continually improving.

Customer satisfaction surveys: Request client feedback at key points – even one week after every item in the client onboarding checklist is complete. Establishing feedback loops is an excellent way to identify those "aha" moments of the experience – the things that go smoothly, and more importantly, the things that didn’t go well for them so you can do better next time. And make follow-up a part of that.

Regular check-ins: Make this an essential point in the contract lifecycle. Clients love to know they have regular, undivided attention from their account team to solve their issues.

5. Implement a gifting strategy to congratulate customers on completion of onboarding

Make that onboarding process feel even more special with a celebratory gift – this way, you’re not just onboarding but also cultivating a new relationship.

Welcome gifts: Make those new clients feel extra appreciated. Think of a carefully chosen, subtly branded gift as they get acclimated. Consider a custom welcome pack with useful items that can serve as a constant reminder on their desk, and or an interactive item they can personalize themselves to create an experience.

Strategic gifting: You can utilize gifting as a subtle incentive or gamification to progress through the onboarding process with urgency! That could involve a gift certificate, branded merchandise, or even a small thank-you note with a special message, expressing your appreciation. And automate this where it makes sense.

6. Include experts and specialists when needed

Build a dream team of experts for your new client. For certain situations, such as specialized configurations or highly technical product implementations, connecting customers with experts builds confidence with the client. It shows that your organization is committed to providing comprehensive support beyond the usual welcome meeting.

7. Offer change management advice and processes

After the contract is signed, ensure a seamless customer journey all the way through renewal. Effective change management processes help maintain consistency and stability during transitions, making the experience smoother and more predictable for your clients.

Building trust: By offering continuous, proactive support, you demonstrate that you’re more than just a vendor—you’re a trusted partner committed to their success at every stage of their journey, from onboarding to renewal, with their best interests always in mind.

Out-of-the-box onboarding ideas

Now, let’s have a little fun. Onboarding doesn’t have to be a cookie-cutter strategy. Your client onboarding workflow can include several clever ideas including:

Onboarding checklist/gamification: Turn your onboarding steps into an interactive and engaging experience! Instead of a typical onboarding flow with pages of information, present your new client with an interactive checklist of key milestones or a gamified onboarding journey. These approaches boost engagement while helping those customers become more familiar with your platform or services.

‘Behind-the-scenes’ content: Let those clients get to know your company. Produce video walkthroughs featuring your team members discussing your core values, their areas of expertise, or providing helpful hints on leveraging your services. This transparent approach can create a welcoming, approachable feel.

Short-form Loom tutorials: Personalize the client onboarding experience by creating short Loom videos tailored specifically to each client. Address the client by name and focus on their unique questions or needs, walking them through real-time recommendations on how to best use your product. This makes for a more custom and relevant experience – not only providing practical guidance, but demonstrating that you’re committed to their success.

How Postal Helps with the Client Onboarding Process

Reach out to Postal to learn how we use onboarding gifts in our own process. We've experienced first hand how thoughtfully chosen gifts can enhance the client journey especially at the onboarding stage.

Automating these tasks allows you to send custom-designed gift boxes and personalized messages at key points, including when onboarding has wrapped up.

Building a fantastic onboarding experience is about creating strong relationships, ensuring customers feel valued and happy.

Keely Lords
Keely Lords

Keely Lords is the Brand Manager at Postal, the leading gifting platform for offline engagement that creates memorable moments for organizations to generate leads, increase sales velocity, and retain happy customers. Prior to Postal, Keely was a "jane of all trades" with roles in various industries including accounting and consulting at Deloitte, business operations for a technology start-up, and proposal writing for branded corporate events. She currently lives in Bakersfield (where her family has farmed for over 100 years) with her husband, Austin, and rescue dog, Polly.

corporate gifting strategy