12 Key ABM KPIs and Metrics to Track

12 Key ABM KPIs and Metrics to Track

February 22, 2024

They say you can’t improve what you don’t measure, and when it comes to account-based marketing (ABM), this is especially true. There are plenty of ways to execute an effective ABM campaign, but they can easily go off the rails without the right key performance indicators (KPIs) in place.

To help you ensure that your ABM efforts are as successful as possible, we’ve put together this list of 12 key ABM KPIs to keep track of in your dashboard.

1. Engagement Rate

In ABM, understanding the depth and breadth of account engagement is essential. Engagement rate goes beyond mere interactions; it's about measuring the quality and frequency of your target accounts' activity across various platforms including emails, social media, webinars, and website visits. This metric serves as a pulse check on the interest level of your target accounts, offering insights into how your content resonates with the decision-makers and influencers within those accounts. By meticulously tracking these interactions, you can tailor your messaging and content strategies to boost engagement, thereby increasing the likelihood of converting these engaged accounts into loyal customers.


2. Conversion Rate

The conversion rate stands as a critical indicator of the effectiveness of your ABM campaigns, providing a clear measure of how efficiently your marketing efforts are turning potential customers into actual leads or sales. In the context of ABM, where strategies are highly targeted and personalized, a higher conversion rate signifies that your message is reaching the right accounts and resonating with them. To enhance this metric, focus on refining your understanding of the customer journey for each account, personalize your outreach, and ensure that your sales and marketing teams are aligned in their efforts. This concerted effort can lead to more meaningful interactions, driving up your conversion rates.

3. Sales Cycle Length

ABM strategies often target high-value accounts with the intention of not only winning their business but doing so in an efficient manner. The sales cycle length is a pivotal metric in assessing how quickly leads move through the sales pipeline to become closed deals. A shorter sales cycle in ABM can indicate a well-optimized strategy that effectively addresses the needs and challenges of high-value accounts, enabling quicker decision-making. To achieve this, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of each target account, including the decision-makers and their purchase process. Streamlining the sales process, providing targeted solutions to specific pain points, and maintaining a consistent level of engagement can significantly contribute to reducing the sales cycle length.

4. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

LTV quantifies the total revenue a business can expect from a single account throughout the duration of their relationship. This metric underscores the importance of investing in nurturing and retaining high-value accounts, highlighting the long-term benefits of personalized ABM strategies. Elevating LTV involves enhancing product offerings, customer service, and tailored marketing efforts to encourage ongoing engagement and transactions.

5. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

CAC is pivotal for evaluating the financial efficiency of ABM campaigns, measuring the cost associated with acquiring a new customer. It involves all expenses of your ABM efforts, divided by the number of new customers acquired. A lower CAC relative to LTV indicates a healthy return on investment, encouraging marketing teams to refine targeting precision and campaign efficiency.

6. Account Engagement Score

This metric blends various engagement indicators, offering a unified view of an account's interaction with your brand across multiple channels. A robust Account Engagement Score reflects successful ABM efforts, signifying active interest and interaction with your content, campaigns, and sales initiatives. Optimizing this score entails deploying targeted content, personalized outreach, and frequent engagement opportunities to foster deeper connections with key accounts.

7. Pipeline Velocity

Pipeline Velocity is a critical ABM metric, emphasizing the rate at which leads progress through the sales funnel to become customers. A swift pipeline velocity indicates a highly effective ABM strategy, signifying that targeted efforts towards high-value accounts are resonating, moving leads to closure faster. To optimize pipeline velocity, align marketing and sales teams on targeted account strategies, leveraging personalized messaging and engagement tactics that accelerate decision-making processes.

8. Win Rate

Win Rate serves as a pivotal indicator of the success of your ABM campaigns and the efficacy of your sales team's approach to converting qualified leads into customers. A robust win rate reflects well on the precision of your account selection and the resonance of your ABM messaging, demonstrating that your efforts are effectively targeting the right decision-makers within high-value accounts. Enhancing your win rate involves deep account insights, tailored engagement, and a seamless alignment between marketing and sales efforts to address specific customer needs and pain points.

9. Attribution

Attribution in ABM entails dissecting which specific marketing activities and channels have the most significant impact on conversions and sales. By thoroughly analyzing attribution, you can fine-tune your ABM campaigns for superior outcomes, ensuring that resources are efficiently allocated to the most effective tactics. This deep dive into the performance of various marketing efforts, from social media interactions to email opens and content downloads, enables marketing teams to continuously refine their approach, targeting potential customers with precision and improving ROI across your ABM initiatives.

10. Average Deal Size

A pivotal metric, the average deal size provides insights into the financial impact of your ABM strategy. By targeting and engaging high-value accounts through personalized marketing campaigns, ABM efforts are designed to increase the average deal size, reflecting a direct contribution to the company's top line. Monitoring changes in the average deal size helps in assessing the effectiveness of your ABM program in attracting and closing larger deals.

11. Retention Rate

ABM's personalized approach extends beyond customer acquisition to include customer retention. The retention rate metric is essential for evaluating how well your ABM strategy maintains high-value relationships, ensuring customer satisfaction, and fostering loyalty. High retention rates under ABM initiatives signify successful engagement and satisfaction strategies for key accounts, contributing to sustained revenue growth.

12. Return on Investment (ROI)

The ultimate benchmark of any marketing strategy's success, including ABM, is its ROI. Calculating the ROI of your ABM efforts involves comparing the revenue generated from ABM-targeted accounts against the investment made in these campaigns. A positive ROI indicates that your ABM strategy is effectively allocating resources towards high-potential accounts, yielding profitable outcomes.

Stay Focused on These ABM KPIs For Sustainable Success

By focusing on these 12 key metrics, marketing teams can effectively benchmark their ABM efforts, adjust their strategies in real-time, and demonstrate the value of ABM to stakeholders. The ultimate goal of ABM is not just about acquiring any customer; it's about acquiring the right customer.

Aligning your marketing strategy with these metrics ensures that your ABM program is on the path to achieving its objectives, fostering growth, and driving sustainable B2B sales success. But to truly maximize your ABM success, you need the right partner. Try a free demo and discover how Postal can help you maximize each of these ABM KPIs.

Lauren Alt-Kishpaugh
Lauren Alt-Kishpaugh

Lauren Alt-Kishpaugh is the VP of Marketing at Postal, the leading Global Offline Marketing Engagement Platform that creates memorable moments for organizations to generate leads, increase sales velocity, and retain happy customers. Prior to Postal, Lauren worked across various marketing functions including marketing operations, campaign management, and acquisition at hyper-growth software companies like Outreach, ThousandEyes, and Solv Health. She currently lives in San Francisco with her husband, Jon, and her dog, Maple.

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